Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Man, I LOVE Conference!

Hey fam, How is it going! Can you believe that it was conference again already!? This was my second conference in the field, so nuts! So we were blessed and were able to see all but the Sunday evening session and because of the time difference we actually got to watch the Saturday and Sunday morning sessions live. The same time that you guys were sitting in the living room watching those sessions at ten in the morning, I was sitting in the chapel watching them at six at night, haha crazy to think about huh? Since I live in Sweden where everyone speaks English, they had conference available in English and Swedish. like half the ward watches in English so that they can hear the general authorities actual voices instead of the translators. We watched in English. Theres just something about those men's voices that gives their talks even more power. Mom wanted to know how the preisthood session worked. Well Saturday night at six we watched the Saturday morning session, then on Sunday we watched the preisthood session, then the Saturday night session and then the Sunday morning session at six. It was a day full of conference :) I loved it! That is seriously crazy about elders and sisters being able to serve earlier! I feel like the biggest effect it will have is more girls serving missions, so that'll be good. If I could do it over again I'm not sure if I would leave at eighteen. that semseter at SUU was so fun and really helped me get ready to go on the mish. I think I would still wait to nineteen. but at the same time it would be nice to just leave right out of high school. A few of my favorite talks were definitely Elder Holland, Elder Echo Hawk (what an awesome name!) and I also really liked Elder Gay's about how there's too much self justification of sin. That really hit me because there really is too much, "It's just a few dollars, it's not a big deal" stuff like that. It made me realize I need to stop self justifying and own up to my short comings and trust in the atonement more. I feel like that's why people justify their sins is because they don't trust in the Saviors atonement like they should. I know I need to be better at that. I love talks that really make me step back and analyze myself. So it's really good to hear that my new card is here! If you guys could put a little money on it, I think I'm going to start to buy some more layers and things. It is starting to get cold and dark here, fast. The colors are slowly starting to change, but not as vibrantly as they do back in Utah. That is cool to hear that that sister from Idaho called you guys! She was so nice! but yeah, It was her and her Swedish friend who I was talking to in that experience I shared with you guys. I didn't tell you guys that she was planning on calling you because I wanted it to be a surprise :) haha so surprise! Mom, about the package, hmm... if you could fit in a stick or two of deoderant that would be great. I'm on my last stick. other than that.... hmm... I'm not sure other than that! Surprise me! Thank you for the package in advance! You have no idea how much mail means to a missionary. Wow sounds like there were some crazy close games for football this week! Man I love it when we beat Lone Peak! haha Keep me posted on baseball for sure too. I miss American sports... but innebandy is amazing here! Well that's about it for this week. Elder Saldutti is feeling better now so that's good. I am in good health recently. I've only been sick enough to stay in the apartment once since I've been here in Sweden. I've had a fever once Mom, but don't worry, the ceiling didn't fall in on me! haha. It was just a low one. The work is still moving slowly forward here in Trollhättan. Our investigators have been... difficult... to say the least. Haha we can just never meet with them the past couple weeks, but hopefully it'll get better. Know that I love you all so very much and am so greatful for the environment I was raised in as a member of this church! I know it's true and that this is a chosen work that I'm a part of. I love my mission and love this gospel!

love you!

-Äldste McKay.

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