Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I Feel Like a Nomad

Hey Family! Can I just start off by saying I love you?! because I do! So stinking much! You are the absolute best, all of you. So this week was a good one, but a busy one. We were in Uddevalla on Wednesday, Göteborg on Thursday and then Stockholm on Friday. It was a little crazy. I did find a coat in Uddevalla on Wednesday, Mom. I think it is going to be really good! It's good looking, waterproof and I got it for 50% off, so that was a sweet deal! I ended up having to buy a new umbrella with it too... I may or may not have left my last umbrella on a bus in Vänersborg... ha ha whoops! I guess I'll tell you about Friday. We have this thing called the 12 week program that is a program both the trainer and the trainee follow for the first twelve weeks in the field. It's a study program for our companionship study basically. President and sister Newell brought all the trainer/trainee companionship's into Stockholm on Friday to have kind of a review and discussion about the program, what we like, what we don't like, that kind of thing. It was really good but I'm not gonna lie, kinda boring. Once we are done here in 3 weeks I'll have done the 12 week program for 15 weeks because we started in NC (it's a world wide program, not just Sweden) and we got three weeks in and then we started over when we got here. Sanders and I got on a bus at 5:30 Friday morning and got home at 9:30 that night. It's about five hours on trains/buses each way, so we were actually traveling for about double the time we were even in Stockholm, but that's okay. It wasn't too bad. It looks like we are going to be world travelers again this week, we will be in Göteborg three days this week and Uddevalla one. It feels like we never even get time to work in actual Trollhättan! We are on fire here right now though! We have recently reactivated two less actives and have had investigators in church for the past three weeks straight. That's more than Trollhättan has had in the past year! Our baptismal date, Irene, is doing really well actually! We found out she has Asbergers, which explains alot, but she is still completely teachable and eligible for baptism. She is still working on quitting coffee, but it's getting better! She has gone from where the first time we met with her she just kept saying she will not quit drinking coffee and it doesn't say she can't drink coffee in the bible and all this stuff, to now she says she feels bad when she drinks coffee! It is so cool to see her change of heart as we work with her. and by we, I mean the spirit. Me and Ä. sanders do nothing, it's all the spirit working on her, so please continue to pray for her! It sounds like you had a great week with the reunion and all! Haha oh man, I loved the story of the Seinfeld moment! You have no idea how many times I've tried to make Seinfeld references in the past five months and everyone just stares at me because they have no idea what I'm talking about. HOLY COW, Michael Phelps is crazy! I can't believe he came back and just destroyed again! Did he do better this olympics or last? That's funny he's retiring, probably wants to give someone else a chance, haha. Well Dad, have fun fishing this week, you lucky dog! Oh and that is super cool those connections you made to Sweden! It really is funny that you can make that many connections to a tiny country with only 10 million people. Your friend was right Mom, Göteborg is the best place in the mission! Well Göteborg zone that is. I love it to death! I hope I get called to serve in the actual city of Göteborg some day. It is so pretty! I'm gonna head for this week I think. I love you all so much and hope all is well. Give Mya and Sadie loves for me! Oh and tell Robyn and Brooke congrats on being prego!

Until next week-

love your missionary.

ps. Yes Mom I'm getting your pictures, thank you so much! I love them. Next package you send I would love some more pictures! but i'll need another one of those little mini albums like I have. Mine is full.

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