Monday, August 27, 2012

Sorry this is a little scattered...

Hey fam! How's it going for everyone?? So it sounds like this past week was a good one back home! Football sounds good Dad, hopefully PG can keep up that momentum they have and keep the wins rolling in! It"s super cool that you got to go up and see Megs play at the U! Man I miss her! That's too bad they lost so bad, but that's awesome that she is still starting! I know that she misses you guys and being at the house just as much as she misses me, she tells me she misses the family all the time. I'm sure she was thrilled that you guys came up and supported her. Keep in touch with her. Don't let her sneak away! ha ha and Dad, take care of any male threats if they come up, ha ha. The Brigham City Temple sounds so pretty! I'll have to go onto and see if they have any finished pictures of it. I love the temple so much, I definitely miss going to it so often, but I am coming up on six months out and every six months President lets you go to the temple if you want. It has to be on a p-day though, so maybe I can get a temple trip planned one of these p-days. This week is my last week of being trained. so after this week we will be done with the twelve week training program which means me and Sanders are up for being transferred. We feel like it will probably be in the next 2-4 weeks so we'll see what happens. I will most likely stay here in Trollhättan and get a new comp and Sanders will go somewhere else, possibly zone leader so that's exciting! That's cool that you saw that pic of me and Elder Christensen mom! He is super awesome, i loved being on splits with him. he has only been out about 4 months longer than me. The line of trees in the background is actually down town Trollhättan. It's super pretty. Mom you were wondering what our Sundays are like? Well we go to a coordination meeting at 10:30 with the ward mission leader and others, then at eleven we start church. We are on the backwards schedule so we start with priesthood and then end with sacrament. But yeah, we don't really do a whole lot extra other than take care of investigators and make sure they have ward fellowshipers when they come. We also look for less actives and make sure they feel welcome when they come. Then after church we kinda hang around and talk to everyone, set up appointments with less actives and investigators, things like that. After that we either go to a members for dinner if we get invited or head home and make some food real quick, then we go out and proselyte/teach for the rest of the night like it's a normal day. On Sunday nights when we get home there is kind of a tradition in the mission that Sunday nights are movie nights because it's p-day eve. So we have some ice cream or something and them watch like the Restoration movie or Finding Faith in Christ or something like that, so that's always fun. Oh and do you remember the movie 17 Miracles? Well I guess President ok'd it for us to watch so we are heading to Göteborg for p-day like always and we are going to have a movie day there with the zone and watch it. That should be fun! This week, our biggest adventure was that we went to a little city called Strömstad. It is about 10 minutes or so from the border of Norway, ha ha so that was exciting! It is a beautiful little port city with lots of water and boats. I'll make sure to send some pictures. We visited a less active there and he was so happy to see us. Missionaries don't get out to all these little cities very often so it's cool to be able to. Oh, random but I just remembered Dad asked about the fruit here, ha ha! It is basically the same here, the only thing different that I've noticed is I have not seen one regular sized watermelon! They only have the mini ones. Oh and they are famous for their strawberries here. They are called jordgubbar which means... earth guy? ha ha beats me. Speaking of food, a member invited us to eat lunch with her on Thursday and she said she is going to feed us sill. Apparently it is just a step up from surströmming. ha ha so wish me luck on that! Well we need to head soon to catch a bus and I need to get some pictures attached so I'm going to head. I love you all so very much and miss you too! Thank you for always keeping me in your prayers, you are always in mine.

love- McKay.

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