Hey Family! Yes, I am alive. ha ha Sorry it has taken me so long to get to you! Our p-days are on Mondays but it was Memorial day on Monday so the office where we usually email was closed, so then we came yesterday to email but there is only one computer but three of us so my comps emailed but then I didn't end up having time so we got permission for me to come today and email. ha ha So sorry it's Wednesday! So how is everyone?! It was so good to hear from you all! I will say right of the bat, since it's not p-day, I don't have much time so this email might be kinda short... but I'll try my hardest to get you all the info! Oh and Tyson and Aubry, I didn't have to time to read your emails because I just wanted to get started writing but I will read them Monday and respond I promise so thank you so much for writing me! So holy cow this week has been crazy! I guess I'll just start from when we landed in NC. So we came down the escalator and Pres. and Sis. Thomas were there waiting for us. President came and hugged us all and it was just a super peaceful feeling, that even though this is just temporary, this is where I need to be. So we got our luggage and the AP's took us to the mission home. Once everyone got there (they had some missionaries coming in on a flight an hour after us too) President interviewed all of us and then we had dinner that Sis. Thomas had made. Then after having a small testimony meeting it was about 8:00 and President sent us to bed... and told us to sleep in until 8 the next morning! ha ha It was so awesome and so needed after the flight! So Tuesday morning was filled with orientation and things and then Tuesday afternoon a bunch of missionaries from the surrounding area's came and picked us all up and we did transfers with them for the rest of the night. The Elder that took me was Elder Cutler. We went straight down and started tracting in the ghetto, and I mean the straight up ghetto. ha ha It was crazy and a little scary but super cool! We taught a couple lessons to people and then had a couple appointments with investigators and then we went to the Oliphants house for dinner. It was really cool to meet them! They were the first white people I had seen since being at the mission home. ha ha Seriously... so no i wasn't still there when Bro. Oliphant called you but he did ask for you guys' info so I figured he would, that's really cool! It really is nuts how small the world is sometimes! So the next morning we got taken back the the mission office and then we headed up to Statesville for transfers. That's where I got my comp. So I'm actually in a tri again. President did that so that once I get my Visa I can just take off and it won't mess stuff up too bad. My trainer's name is Elder Matthews. He's from Evanston, Wyoming, he's been out for 21 months and he is a total stud. I really like him and I relate with him super well, he was into film and music in high school too so that's awesome. We have alot of fun together. Our other comp's name is Dlder Hughes. He is another greenie but his actual mission call is here. He doesn't say much in lessons or anything but when he does it's usually pretty good. He is from Vernal, Utah. I love both of them a lot. So our area is called Mountain Island. It's kind of a suburb of Charlotte. Our ward is called the Mt. Island ward. It's kind of a small ward but super strong. So another cool thing is that we already had a baptism! ha ha We baptized a guy named Ryan Mansfield on Saturday. He's 24, ex-air force, Tongan, and 6'5. ha ha He's super cool, Elder Matthews and his old comp only had to teach him for like 3 weeks. He was definitely prepared to hear our message. Well sorry this email is kind of short but I've gotta head. So I'll just have to cram more info into my email on Monday. ha ha but everything is going good here. It is sooo humid! ha ha O sweat all the time. But it's okay. We have a car exchange, so we get a car once a week and then we ride bikes the next and switch on and off so the mission has just lent me a bike for now. I love you all! We gotta head to a teaching appointment so I'll talk to you soon! Love you!
Picture from left to right- Elder Hughes, Me, Elder Matthews, Ryan, and John (Ryan's soon to be Bro.-in-law.)
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