Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Heja Sverige!!

 What's up family?! How is everybody? Sounds like this past week has been very eventful! I'm glad to hear that Strawberry days was a hit as always. It definitely hasn't been far from my mind here. It's Stawberry season here and since it was midsummer this weekend, on every street corner there was a little table with somebody selling strawberries, so I definitely got a constant reminder of that. Holy cow, I cannot believe that Ms. Mya is 4 already! That blows my mind! It seriously seems like not that long ago that she was just a few days old and Tyson was holding her in the airport before he left to Brazil, and now here I am in Sweden of all places! haha So crazy. I still have to remind myself often that I'm in a foriegn country. You think it would be easy to tell with the different language, architecture, and all that but sometimes I still have to be like, whoa... I'm in Sweden. That's no good about the fires going on! Hopefully they get them all put out. You can take some of our rain if you want. Here in trollhättan it's been raining for about 3 days straight now.

So midsummer was pretty cool! I'll make sure to send some pictures with this email. It was what's called a nonprosyliting (again, I'm sorry for my awful spelling. This computer is in Swedish so I can't spell check English words.) day, which basically means it was a pday but we didn't go out at 6:00 to work.  We got up early and took a train into Göteborg and then took a bus from there to a little suburb of Göteborg called Utby, it's the zone leader's area. About  half of the zone got together in Utby and we went to the park and did the whole midsummer celebration with the town. They put up this thing called the may-pole and get in rings around it and hold hands and dance around it singing weird songs.  It's celebrating like Mother Earth and the fertilization of the earth or something like that?? haha I'm really not sure. It was pretty cool though. After that was finished we went to the Utby chapel and had a bbq, then we climbed what the Swedes call a "mountain" that overlooks the city of Utby, it was super pretty, a little foggy though.
 Then all the missionaries went back into Göteborg and hung out at the YSA center and played frisbee and stuff like that. It was a super fun day. Oh and yes, it is pretty super weird to have it be light all the time! Midsummer was actually exactly what it sounds like, it was the mark of the middle of summer. So from here on out it will get slowly darker and darker, but for now, when we go to bed at 10:30 every night, it looks like it should only be maybe 6 or 7. haha It is pretty weird! I'll have to take a picture out the window before I go to bed one of these nights so you can see how light it is. So as far as what the work is like here in Trollhättan, we do some finding but not nearly as much as we did in NC. Knocking doors is very ineffective here in Sweden. Swedes are very private people so they don't appreciate you knocking on their door, so most our finding is just on the street as we walk places or on the bus. We have a few investigators but it's really difficult to make times work to meet with them so I still haven't met most of them. We have a girl moving in to our area this Friday that is coming from another area and aparently she is a pretty solid investigator so thats awesome! Hopefully all goes well with her. I'll let you all know. Well im going to head for this week. I love you all so much! Oh and mom, all the mail in the mission gets sent to the mission office and then gets forwarded to us in our areas. So, the mission office address is-

Enebybergsvägen 38
182 46 Enebyberg

So if you just send stuff there with my name it'll get forwarded to me, oh and you can send packages and as long as they are under 4 pounds they can get forwarded to me no charge, if they are over I will have to pay the office to have it forwarded to me. Well I'm gonna head, I love you all so much! Have a good week and I'll talk to you next week! Love you all so much!

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