Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hej Från Sverige!

Is this real life!? Am I really in Sweden!? ha ha Oh man this seriously is too good to be true! I love it so much! Where to even start? I guess I kind of already told you about my first day and things so I'll let you know about my area and trainer. My comp's name is äldste Chris Sanders. He is from Cedar City and he is awesome. I really do love him. He has been out for just about a year and is super super cool. He is pretty solid at the language so I'm excited to learn from him. Our area is called Trollhättan and it is in the Göteborg (yet-a-boar-e) zone/stake. So a little more down south. It is a super cool little town, we have a ward of about 60-70 solid members, and about 6 youth. We have a pretty cool looking chapel, I'll have to take a picture of it and send it to you. our Bishops name is Dag (dog) Stulen, he is super awesome, he has three kids, one son is a RM who served in Greece and one just graduated and is getting ready to start his papers, then they have a daughter who is inactive. So we'll have to see if we can fix that. We actually went to the Stulen's home for dinner yesterday. It was so good! I need to be careful here or I am definitely going to get fat! ha ha But it's okay, President lets us do p90-x for work outs and since me and Elder Sanders are going to be together for at least 12 weeks, we are starting a full 90 day cycle tomorrow. I've gotta be able to fit into these Swedish suits. ha ha oh speaking of which! This coming Friday is Midsummer, it's like the second biggest holiday to Swedes other than Christmas so we are allowed to go to it, so I'm super excited for that! and just like in America, there's always really good sales around the holidays so we are going to go shop that Monday probably. Hmm.. what else? President and Sis. Newell are amazing! I love them so much. President is a very humble, powerful man, but so loving and oh man does he have some credentials. He was the ambassador for Sweden for a long time. He has had assassination attempts on him and has served under three different US Presidents in the white house. ha ha He and Sis. Newell are definitely a little intimidating, but I love them so much! They make us feel so welcome and loved. They are awesome. Oh and apparently President Newell is on wikipedia so you'll have to look him up. ha ha So it's good to hear that all went well with the reunion! It sounds like it was a blast! Mom, I'm sure you did great in your Fathers day talk, you always do! Oh and Dad, happy late fathers day! Maybe I'll find you a nice skinny Swedish tie at the midsummer sale and send it home! I love you so much! Tell Miss Mya grattis på födelsedagen! (Happy Birthday!) Give her lots of extra loves for me! Well me and my comp need to head to catch a train into Göteborg, we are going to hang out with the zone at the YSA center for p-day. I love you all so much! Oh that reminds me, we use buses, trains and a little bit of bikes to get everywhere here. Oh and ask Tyson if he knows an Erika Sprig! She is from PG and is in my district. The Oscarson's are in our district too so I'll meet them on Thursday for district meeting. Well I love you family! So much! Talk to you later. hej då!


  1. Could I get a mailing address for Elder Keetch?

    1. Jessie,
      This is the mission home address. everything goes here and then gets sent to MK.I'm sure he'll love hearing from you.
      Elder McKay V. Keetch
      Enebybergsvagen 38
      182 46 Enebyberg



