Monday, March 18, 2013

Slay The Zombie!!

Hello everyone! So this week was a crazy one but was super good!

So on Wednesday we took a train up to Stockholm for zone leader council and it was really good. We all got together and discussed with President about what the mission needs right now and what we are going to do with our zones specifically. During that council they gave us some time to to sit down in companionship's and really discuss specifically what our zones need and me and Elder Whitworth came up with the best plan! Our whole training would be focused on "slaying the missionary zombie inside of us" We just felt like our zone had lost the fire and the love for missionary work and were just going through the motions of it like a zombie. So we planned our a whole lesson, all about slaying the inner zombie! ha ha So then, on Friday we had a zone training with our whole zone in Lund and it went so awesome! We started out by presenting everyone with three "weapons" for killing the zombie. #1. Prayer #2. Obedience and #3. Love for the people. We trained on the "why" of each one of these things and read the doctrine behind them and the spirit was so strong! Then, at the end of the meeting, it was time to slay the zombie. ha ha. We started up a really epic song, the x-men first class theme song, and gave this huge speech about choosing a weapon, standing up, facing the zombie, and taking him down. Then Elder Whitworth pulled away a sheet that we had hung over the white board to reveal a zombie drawn on the board, then I pulled a Nerf gun out of my bag and called the first member of the zone up. After asking him which of the three weapons he would be using(prayer, obedience, or love), I handed him the gun and let him take a shot at the zombie. We did this for the whole zone and it was so fun! ha ha You could really tell that everyone got really into it and had a lot of fun but at the same time, they had felt the spirit and were ready to go our and hit the streets and kill the zombie and get the dop! ha ha It was so much fun! Me and Elder Whitworth felt really good about it and even had the assistants call us and say "Hey, what did you guys do for your zone training? We keep getting texts from people in your zone saying that they just had the best zone training ever" ha ha So that felt really good! I love being a zone leader for that right there. I love being able to be my goofy self and use it to pump other people up and get them stoked out of their minds for missionary work! ha ha

So then on Saturday, we took a train up to Göteborg and had a weekly planning training session with Sister Newell and the Göteborg zone leaders. It was really long... but there was a lot of good stuff. After that we went out to our favorite kebab pizza place in Göteborg and popped a bottle of magnum (like martinellies) because it was Elder Whitworth birthday that day. ha ha So that was fun.

Yesterday in church we had ward conference and the stake presidency came and pretty much just hammered the ward on missionary work so that was super awesome! We got three member referrals after the meeting. ha ha So at least a few of the members got the message. We also had five investigators there at sacrament meeting so that was pretty awesome!

Those were probably the highlights of the week... sorry, I'm trying to move fast and make up for lost time.

That is so awesome that Aaron Massey is going to be in Denmark in July! hey...if I'm still here in July you might want to let him know that helsingborg is only like a 40 minute drive away from Copenhagen.... just saying... ha ha.
That's awesome that Sammy went into the MTC on Wednesday! She will do so amazing! I can imagine that Mike and sSuz are kind struggling though... poor guys. ha ha It gets easier as time goes by though right?! ha ha

It is pretty nuts to think that I am on the down hill half of my mission! It doesn't seem real... time goes by way too fast!

Well fam, I'm going to call that good for this week and head. I am loving it here in the south and never want to go north of Göteborg again! ha ha The work is great as well as Elder Whitworth and I strive to find, teach, and baptize the prepared.

I love you all very much and will talk to you next week! You're in my prayers as always!

Love- McKay.
Just some pretty pics of Helsingborg

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