Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fast Weeks, Slow Months

Hi Family!
Wow this week went by really fast! It is really the weirdest thing. It feels like each week goes by in a flash but at the same time it feels like months go by really slowly. ha ha It is the weirdest sensation. So this week way a good one here in the office! Not too much new or out of the ordinary, just another week finding, teaching, and baptizing. Although we did receive some unexpected news on Friday! Äldste Asp will be leaving us and transferring to an area called Västerås this coming Wednesday :( so that was a bummer to find out! None of us want Elder Asp to go... he is the best! But I am happy for him to get out of the office and back into the field. President told him he will be in Västerås preparing to train in March. So that is awesome! President and I had an interview after words and he said that the reason he is moving Elder Asp before me is just because Elder Asp is quite a bit older than me in the mission and he wants Elder Asp to have the chance to train and everything else. He also told me that I will still most likely be transferring out in March, but I'm still not sure where to or in what position. So we will see. I kind of have mixed feelings about leaving in March. It will be really nice to leave the office and be a full time proselyting missionary again, but we are having so much success right now in Stockholm and it will be hard to leave that and turn it over to someone else you know? So we'll see what happens. It's still a couple months away so I don't need to worry about it too much. So on Wednesday I will take Elder Asp to the train station and then pick up Elder Knecht, who will be my new comp. He is really young on the mission, he just barely got done being trained a month ago, but he grew up in Sweden before moving to Orem so he knows Swedish fluently. So that won't be a problem. Other than that, no one really knows anything about him so we'll see how it goes! ha ha I'm sure it will be fine. I will for sure miss Elder Asp though.

So mom, that is so awesome about the Bluth side of the family! And that is so crazy that the churches they went to are all around here in Stockholm! I searched Hemsjö Sweden and it is down by Göteborg! So both the places I have served so far! Göteborg and Stockholm! How crazy is that?! Looks like I am in Sweden for a purpose:) I will maybe start asking around to see if people remember any Bluth's!

So this week the Erickson's went to the temple and they came back and were like Elder Keetch! The Backlunds tell us to say hello to you and that they love you! ha ha I guess they had seen the Backlunds at the temple and had talked with them for a bit. So that was neat! I need to try and take a trip to the temple before I leave Stockholm so that I can see them and say hello! That is so crazy that the Boyer's have already had their farewell! soon enough they will be here, living one floor below me! Crazy!

So just a quick update on our investigators, Bell and Titti are both going forward and are looking good for the 9th of February. As for the Horia family, Zaya will for sure be baptized on the 2nd of February but the father and the other two kids are going to have to come after. We are planning on two weeks after Zaya for them so please pray for their continual progression! They are so amazing! also, if you could remember Hang (hong) in your prayers that would be really appreciated. He is a less active Chinese member that is going through a really hard time right now and is shutting God out instead of doing the opposite like he should so he could definitely use your prayers!

Well family, I know that this email is really short and I feel really bad but I need to head for this week. Know that I love you each so very much and miss you all very much too! But I love it here. I don't know if I have shared this but since I am in Stockholm area now, I work at the young single adult center in downtown Stockholm with Elder Leirimaa. So it is super fun! We go there on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights and work with the youth and teach their friends and stuff! It is so awesome! The youth here in Sweden are so amazingly strong and fearless to share the gospel with their friends so we get alot of awesome investigators from them! So that is super fun!

Anyways, I need to head, I love you all and will talk you next week!


Äldste McKay Keetch.

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