Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Here comes the rain. Again.

Hello again everyone! How's it going! Thank you so much for the emails every week! I know I say that every week, but that's because I mean it. They are the best! So this week was a blur to say the least! ha ha, but it was an eventful blur. As the title eludes, this week was another wet one, or, at least Tuesday was! We went into Vänersborg (one of the three cities we are over) and after about an hour, it just started to poor! That rainstorm in Uddevalla that I told you about a couple weeks ago, yeah, that was nothing compared to this. It seriously is the hardest I have ever seen it rain. and of course, we only had one umbrella that day, so here me and Elder Sanders are, in the middle of town, both scrunched under my little umbrella and the rain is just pouring off the umbrella and down our backs and sides. Ha ha, that is seriously the most wet I have ever been! We had a member dinner that night too so we didn't get home until about 730 pm and we were still soaked to the bone, even after a good six hours. The crazy thing about that storm is it did not let up! It rained like that for seriously and hour and a half straight. We hid under balconies a couple times but eventually we were just like, forget it, we are soaked to the bone anyway, so we just kept going. It was pretty hilarious. I'm sure we were a sight to see, the only two people out on the street, both in white shirts and ties, soaked to the bone and huddled under a single umbrella. Ha ha gotta love it! Dad asked about the areas we cover. Well, we cover the cities of Trollhättan (where we live and where the church building is), Vänersborg, and Uddevalla and a few tiny towns in between, but we really only work in those three. Vänersborg is right next to Trollhättan, just like a 15 minute bus ride and is right on the coast of one of the big lakes. Uddevalla is a little farther away, about a 35 minute bus ride, or maybe longer, and is just a tiny little town but is super pretty. I like Uddevalla a lot. We usually go there on Wednesdays. They all feed into the same ward, which meets in our building in Trollhättan. The church is just like a 5 minute bike ride from our apartment so that's nice. We live on Furulundsvägan in Trollhättan if you want to google map it. The work is going well though, we have a couple super solid investigators, ones name is Gunborg, she is in her 50's and just moved to Uddevalla, she has met the missionaries before and is super interested, so that's great! We meet her weekly when we go to Uddevalla. We are also teaching a family of four Hjalmar and Anna and their kids Tobias and Dennis. They are what we call eternal investigators. They have been having the missionaries over for years and years and years and years, but they are awesome! Hjalmar probably has a better testimony of the Book of Mormon and a better understanding of the church than most members, but they have problems with snus (chewing tobacco) and a couple other things. So yeah, if you will pray for them and for all of the people we teach that would be great. I'm sure you already do. This next month or so is going to be rough. In July and August Swedes take what they call their "semester" which means their summer vacations. Part of the Swedish government makes it mandatory for every one to get a three to four week semester, no matter whether you're a corporate exec. or a McDonald's worker. So lots of people are leaving to go out of town which makes it hard on us. Well everyone I've gotta run for this week. everything is going great here. Me and Sanders haven't killed each other... yet... ha ha just kidding, I really like him a lot. I lucked out having him as my dad. We have fun together and work hard so that's good. I love you all so much and I will talk to you next week!

Love- Äldste McKay Vance.

PS. I was a dummy and forgot my camera cord at the apartment so no pictures for now but I'll try to hop on later and send some.

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