Monday, February 22, 2010


You know that point in your day where you just want to be done but you still have a good three hours before its acceptable to go to bed? Well for McKay Keetch, this time is a time of insanity. everything sounds very appealing, but at the same time appalling. its like an ADHD kid trying to run from a bear. "AHHH my gosh there's a freaking bea..oh look shiny!" what that is supposed to mean is, the more i try to concentrate on one thing, the more difficult concentration becomes.

this probably didn't make any sense, due to the fact that i am certifiably insane so lets put it this way:
(cue bass hunter- all i ever wanted.) who's up for a techno dance party?!
see you on the dance floor you sexy beasts :)- McKay Keetchy

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! You do get slightly distracted with shiny objects don't you.



