Monday, February 4, 2013

Birthday Dop!

Tjabba Familjen!

Man this week was a good week! Where do I even start?! ha ha I guess I will start with the only let down of the week and then go up from there ha ha. We didn't get to see the king :( it was just a rumor that he was going to be there. ha ha But they did have the changing of the guard ceremony at the palace and so we watched that. They have knights that stand in those booths like they do at Buckingham palace but they are not nearly as up tight as the English ones. Like they don't act like statues. ha ha They hold really still but if you go up and talk to them, a lot of times they will talk back. ha ha So we just watched that and then went and hung out with a bunch of missionaries because is was sister Spjut's birthday. So that was super fun.

So this week we had what is called a Leadership Training Conference for the whole mission. They do it every other month for one day but at the first of the year they do a more extended one for three days. So we bring all the leadership in the mission (district leaders, zone leaders, and assistants) in to Stockholm and have training on how to lead the mission basically. And since I am a district leader I got to attend and it was seriously so good! It was three LONG days of sitting in work shops and doing role plays and things but it was seriously so good! The spirit was so strong and it was just rejuvenating. So for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, we were all in the Täby chapel from 8 am to 5 pm and then at 5 pm we would go out and proselyte. But since we had so many extra people here in the area for those three nights we had to all split up and divide and conquer ha ha. So I got to go out and proselyte with Elder Hart's "son", Elder Svensson. He is the sickest kid in the world! I love him so much! We automatically just hit it off. He is actually Swedish and comes from a city called örebro. Me and him got a long really well and by the end of the three days we were telling Elder Hart that he has to talk President into making me and him companions. ha ha. So anyways, that was really fun!

Then, the highlight of the week came on Saturday with Zaya's baptism! It was so awesome! Zaya and his whole family were so excited that I was able to come and they kept asking me why I had left and telling me how much they missed me. I was really touched by that. Everything with the baptism went really well. A young man from the Stockholm ward who had been a really big fellowshipper to Zaya baptized him so that was super awesome! Especially because that kid, Jerry is his name, is 17 and is getting ready to start his papers. So that was really good for him to have that experience before his mission. It was so cute, after Zaya was baptized, his little brother, Tower, kept coming up to me and asking if he could get baptized next Saturday. ha ha The rest of the family has a date for the 23rd of February and we would really like them all to be baptized together so we kept having to explain to him that he had to wait just a little bit longer. ha ha But yeah, after the baptism this weekend it is looking very positive that the rest of the family will follow on the 23rd.

So thank you all for the birthday wishes! It will probably just be a normal day, but tonight after proselyting we are going to go over to the Erickson's and have a little celebration so that should be fun:) I'm excited! Thank you so very much in advance for my package mom! You're the best! I picked up my back pack last Monday and it is the greatest thing every! ha ha I seriously love it so much! It's called the Haglöfs Corker and it is so nice! It fits really flush with your back so you can hardly feel it when it's on. I have been carrying my English quad, Swedish scriptures, an English BoM, a Swedish BoM, my PMG, a ward list binder, and a note pad, plus my camera and stuff like that and it feels like nothing when you put it one. It's nuts! ha ha So thank you for letting me get it! I love it.

Grandpa said in their email that Baltimore won the super bowl. That's good I guess. ha ha I honestly didn't have an opinion this year. Probably because I haven't seen any games, and I'm not really partial to either team. But I probably would have taken the Ravens over the 9ers anyways.

Well fam, I think that is about it for the week. I will send some pics of the baptism and my back pack and stuff in another email. I love you all so much and hope you all have awesome weeks! Here's a big puss and kram from Sweden!

Love- McKay

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