Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Farewell, Friend...

Today I received a call that will forever stain my memory. It was from the LDS Travel Offices, they had received my visa application forms and had one minor discrepancy. In my passport photo, I am smiling. Apparently in Sweden this is highly frowned upon in official pictures. so back to Walgreens I had to go for a new, more somber, picture. This was no major inconvenience except for one, heart wrenching, fact. The mustache must be shaved. I had no choice. I can't send church headquarters a picture with that fuzzy caterpillar still adorning my upper lip, they would write back telling me to forget my mission all together. So tonight, at approximately 18:00 hours, one of my most beloved friends was put to rest.

-In memory of "the stache"-

Farewell, Friend...

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